Saturday, November 8, 2014

Do What You Love

     Hello everyone & thank you for stopping by! I'm excited to share this new venture of mine with you. I've been thinking a lot about blogging for the past few months & finally decided to just go for it.  I can't believe how much fun I'm having with it so far!  I ask myself, why didn't I start earlier? I knew what I was passionate about, but wasn't sure when was the right time for me to start?  Some of my family & friends would say that there is no perfect time to begin, just give it a go!  I guess sometimes the hardest part is actually getting started lol

      Just a little something about us, my husband & I have three beautiful children. When we first got married, we knew we wanted to have a family right away.  I was still going to school while we were growing our family.  I graduated with my BA in Liberal Studies to become a teacher.  I remember this like it was just yesterday, Gosh how fast time flies! 

     Over the years as our family grew, life became busy. Ideally, as your family grows, so do you & your life style changes too.  I put my career on hold & decided to become a stay at home mom to raise my children.  I knew creating a happy place for my family was very essential to me. I also knew that your home is a reflection of who you & your family are. So I wanted to create a home with the things we love. Most importantly, I believe 'Home is where the heart is.'  


       'Do it with passion or not at all!' When you really do something your passionate about it, it shows in you. It could be anything you love to do. You will have your family & friends notice the time & quality you put into things you love & how happy it makes you. Not only are you staying true to yourself about what your passionate about, you also get to inspire others around you & that's a BIG accomplishment! 
     Deciding to start this new venture of mine was the biggest accomplishment for me.  I'm looking forward to where it will take me next.  Hope you do what YOU love & don't wait for the perfect time, just go for it! 

     Thank you so much for reading along! Passion truly changes everything :) I'm so excited & can't wait to share more with you!





  1. Hello Laila,
    I just started following your blog and your Instagram. I a lot of similarities in our styles �� Congratulations on the start of your blog. I look forward to seeing all the beautiful things you create ��

    1. Hello Priscilla,

      Thank you so much for your kind words, glad we can relate :)

